The Tiaki Promise

The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand now and for future generations.

Use these simple guidelines while exploring Aotearoa:

Care for land, sea and nature, treading lightly and leaving no trace. Travel safely, showing care and consideration for all. And respect the culture and local communities, travelling with an open heart and mind.

Be guardians, be protectors. Tiaki, care for New Zealand.

Children’s Bay Farm Park

Children’s Bay Park is a 200-hectare peninsular of land located in Akaroa Harbour just 80 minutes from Christchurch. It is a beautiful piece of land surrounded by sea. Approximately 100-hectares is in native bush. The other half of the land is an operating farm running a small high-quality herd of Angus cattle that graze the grass faces and ridges.

Visitor Kiosk is proud to be part of the ongoing planting, free walking trails and conservation work at the park. Over 20,000 plants have been planted with plans for another 20,000 over the years ahead.